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Mission Trips

Matthew 5:13  You are the salt of the earth 

Mattew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.


The Great Commission is the reason for the very existence of Exodus Travel Ministries. Jesus commands us to go out into the world and bring the truth of the gospel to those that need Him. For some of us it is local missions and others long term global missions. We want to open your eyes today about short term missions. Most of you have no idea the impact you can have globally for these people in just a short week or two! Bringing teams builds new bodies of Christ. You bring truth and hope. Your service is needed more than you realize. Some of these missions could not continue their work teaching, feeding, clothing, and discipling without mission teams. 


If you are considering one of our guided Mission Trips please be WARNED. It may change you. You may find yourself selling everything and laying it all down and picking up your cross and moving to become a full-time missionary! I am just kidding! Yeah, not really. These are life changing trips. Expect the unexpected, because if you come with any, chances are God gonna change it! 


Do expect some push back from the enemy. Put your spiritual Armor of God on every day. 


Each Mission Trip is unique and different in their own special way. You will be working, cleaning, teaching, and participating in the mission activities. Different gifts among the group will fill the spaces that are needed. There will be daily devotions and debriefs. There will be a lot of Faith, Prayer, and Worship. Accommodations will be at a mission house or specified lodging. Meals are included on most itineraries. Transportation to and from airport and for all mission activities included. 

If there are any questions, please contact us.

If God is calling you, take the call! 

What's Included?


Mission houses consist of twin beds and or bunk beds. Other accommodations in some locations can have two queens or an upgrade to private room. 


You will be picked up and dropped off at the airport either by a transfer service or a Mission bus. 

Mission T-Shirt

We want to bless you with a free Mission T-Shirt!


Meals are generally included on most all of our mission trips. There may be opportunities on activity or free days where meals will be your responsibility. 


Airfare is included in package. Your Tour Director will help you with your flight itinerary. 

Experienced Travel Director and Missionary Guide

You will have a guide experienced and well versed in the mission you have chosen. They will know the mission, ministry, country of origin, history, and culture. 

What Our Clients Say

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Natasha M. , Virgin Islands

"Exodus Travel Ministries goes above and beyond the call of duty! Everything was planned down to the detail and the trip was exceedingly and abundantly better than we could have imagined! We will be returning and we will be using ETM's services! Thank you Exodus!"
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